Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Words left unspoken may hurt, too...

Great opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day.
- Sally Koch

Can't help wondering...what you're wondering about, today? A request from Megan at Imaginif... to post a comment I left at Cerebral Mum , so she, Megan, can share it with others, left me wondering about how we never know what words or actions we drop somewhere in passing may be noticed...may even make a positive difference for someone?

How many times have you wanted to say something, then thought it silly to say, so left words unspoken that someone might have wanted to hear? I can't count the times I've done that. As, unfortunately, I can't count the times I've said something that would have been better left unsaid. So here are the words I left in passing, yesterday.


What can I add to the comments already posted, when they say so many of the things I’d say? You are so beautiful in your honesty and determination to give so openly and freely. All of you.
This blogging community, and that includes you, Cerebral Mom… has given me something I never found in nearly 65 years of searching.

When I was a child I identified with the ugly duckling… but somehow every time I thought I’d found the swans with whom I belonged, there was still no happy ending.

I read voraciously as a child and adult, seeking a map or at least some direction to follow to lead me to that community where I’d be accepted as myself. Nothing more. That would be more than enough! And yet when I found this blogging community the result was so much more than I ever imagined that could be.

After a life time of wondering, crying, even screaming, Why don’t I fit in? Why doesn’t anyone understand me? What’s wrong with me that I can’t be like them, and belong?the answer comes at last.

The group of beautiful swans to which I’ve always belonged had no voice, no presence. We who were abused and neglected as children were invisible, individually and as a community, because the world of ducks convinced us we were too ugly to be seen.

Now they can’t keep us hidden. We see each other and say… WOW! Perhaps the ducks were blinded by so much beauty! Or maybe the ducks knew in their hearts, if they have any, that once we saw each other’s beauty, we would see our own, and once our own beauty was seen, we would also see how pathetic and ugly the ducks always were.

Now, through the honesty and determination to let others see us as we are…we’ve become so beautiful in our honesty and determination that we shine as beacons to the others still feeling lost and seeking their place to belong, to become, to be aware and to take care.

As an afterword...
I think ducks are beautiful, too!

And thank you for asking, Megan, although this is as good a time to say this as any... contrary to US Copywrite Laws, unless otherwise noted, my words are free for the taking...

A Child is Waiting,
Take care...be aware,
Nancy Lee


cerebralmum said...

I'm glad you posted this. It was definitely worth a post all of it's own.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Thank you Nancy! Thus encouraged, I'll be quoting your words from the sidebar, "About all the children", sometime soon – in a specific context, and linking back here. They articulate truths not often recognised, let alone spoken.

Blessings on you!